Here is a precise what3words address, made of 3 random words. Every 3-metre square in the world has its own unique what3words address.
Matthew Clavey
You’ve read our story, seen some of our products, if you can let us know what you’re looking for, we’ll see how we can help Or you can contact us directly.
Please note visits are by appointment only.
The Macintosh Consultancy Ltd ( for Thermal Vision Research Ltd )
2530 The Quadrant
Aztec West
BS32 4AQ
Matthew Clavey
M: 07973 403819
Andrew Milner
M: 07907 054716
Jethro Block
M: 07948 725 229
David Jones
BDM Industrial and R&D
M: 07946620361
W: www.thermalvisionresearch.co.uk
Based in the South West of the UK we can easily travel to all parts of the UK. Bristol Airport is only 30min away providing quick connection to places such as Glasgow and Edinburgh.
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by Train
by Air